
Ayke van Laethem @ aykevl.nl

Ayke is the core author and maintainer of the TinyGo compiler which is able to compile Go code to microcontroller platforms and webassembly. She makes amazing electronics like cute led earrings. She writes about compiler engineering topics, embedded systems, and surviving the world as a neuro-atypical person.

Joost Rijneveld @ joostrijneveld.nl

Joost is a seasoned CTF participant and you will find many of his CTF-writeups on his blog. In addition, he also has writeups about things that are just not documented properly elsewhere on the internet.

Judith van Stegeren @ judithvanstegeren.com

Judith is an expert on AI, with a PhD in natural language processing. She writes about all kinds of career and tech-related topics. She also has a knack for finance and investing.

Thom Wiggers @ thomwiggers.nl

Thom is an expert in post-quantum cryptography, and one of the inventors of KEMTLS. He writes about post-quantum cryptography, but also other technical adventures like doing uncommon things in Latex and CTFs.


Mosterdgeel @ mosterdgeel.nl

Judith van Stegeren houdt ook een aparte receptenblog bij met heel veel goede recepten. Mijn persoonlijke favoriet is de geitenkaassalade met kapucijners.